Personal Growth August 28, 2022

The Power of Your Mindset

Embracing the Laws of Attraction

Don’t underestimate the power of your mindset. Embrace the laws of attraction and you will astonish yourself. For a long time I wondered how everyone else in the world world around me appeared to be so successful. At first, I’d wonder how they surround themselves with people who drive them towards their “success.” Consequently, the answer was a hard concept to grasp. Whether you believe it or not we control it. This concept is called the “laws of attraction”. By putting positive energy out into the universe we end up receiving the results we desire.

Let’s get to it!


When we try to pursue a life of “great success” in monetary value, we often fall short of our goals. Generally, it’s because we lose sight of what we are really after. As a matter of fact, identifying what it is we truly want takes a lot of self reflection. Consequently, the path to true success is simple. If you figure out what you are most passionate about then you can achieve success beyond anything you’ve ever imagined. It boils down to mindset.

Instead of focusing on a getting a better job or making more money. Shift your mindset, ask yourself the following: what do you do everyday whether you get paid for it or not? What do you do that you don’t have to think about; it’s just who you are? Specifically, I  describe the ‘laws of attraction’ as ‘foreign concepts’ because they are not what the vast majority talk about on social media. Contrary to the way things on social media are portrayed, the answer is not money or popularity.

So what’s this all about?

You guessed it, mindset. It is about positive energy, dedication, and discipline.

As a matter of fact, we’ve all heard the expression “if you love what you do it isn’t work” but nobody explains to us what this means. By pursuing something of such deep value it isn’t a chore or extra work. It’s part of our DNA so to speak. For that reason, it’s what defines us individually and makes us unique. You’ll find that as you put more energy into what you truly love doing the universe will provide you with opportunity and more time. It’s a weird feeling at first because your life drastically changes over night. I’m not saying you become a millionaire and your dreams become your reality in a few hours.

Nonetheless, what I am saying is – people who don’t truly support you drift out of your life. On the other hand, people who do support and encourage you move in. You’ll become surrounded by likeminded people who will help you along your way. You’ll establish a network that fuels your desire. 

The Process I Experienced

 Foremost, going with the flow and not doing anything “extraordinary” wasn’t working.  Defining “extraordinary” the way I believed became imperative. At first, I thought it meant becoming a millionaire and then pursuing investments or some crazy scheme to become richer. For instance, my entire life I had dreamt of achieving a life I could live on my terms by becoming “rich”. This energy came back to me in various forms. However, there were two problems: 1) I was looking at things in the wrong mindset. 2) I was unaware of what I was even doing. 

Defining & Executing Extraordinary

Somehow, life had taken the reigns and pushed me towards a path of success. I realized that in order to make positive change you must do “extraordinary” things. So what does this really mean? It’s quite simple. The way I see it, the word “extraordinary” is spelt “extra” + “ordinary.” So I asked myself, what am I doing in my day to day life that is extra? What can become the “extra” to my ordinary?

For this reason, I was began to self educate. For instance, I read books about leadership because it was closely related to my career. At work, I began implementing the concepts I read about. I soon found that I was handed extra jobs that eventually equated to more money but I was spending more time on those extra tasks. Needless to say, this was not what I was looking for but it was a start. Evidently, we need to look deeper into the situation at hand because it is not all it appears to be.

I continued my self education and read a book called Think and Grow Rich. This book taught me a lot about the fundamentals of becoming successful and the mindset required. It was after reading this book I began pursuing my visions. I realized something incredibly important.

Money doesn’t buy happiness but it buys time. Living life working for for someone else and asking them for permission to use our limited time is not how I want to live my life. I don’t owe anyone my time and nobody will care about my time as much as I do; thus the value of my time is worth more than anybody is going to pay me.

Money Vs Time? What’s more valuable?

Why is time so important to me? Buying back my time means I can retire at 40. Retiring, at 40 means I can spend my life with my family instead of working for someone else. Growing up, my parents had to work. They dedicated their lives to providing for my brother and I; we barely saw them. My family deserves better.

Ask yourself the following questions: What is important in life to me? How much time am I able to dedicate to the most important things in my life? How valuable is my time? 

I continued my self education and began to chase after anything and everything. Finally figured out what it was I truly enjoy doing. The answer was helping others. I began to try and leverage the extra money I was making to produce money passively so I could make money without dedicating more time to it.

First, I started a natural homemade cosmetic business called The Captain’s Private Stash. I wholesale CBD and non CBD cosmetics. The fuel to that fire was my unduly hatred towards the unnecessary chemicals found in almost every product we purchase – from cosmetics to food.

My goal is to get this running flawless so that it runs itself. My next endeavor was rental real estate. Important to realize, I began chasing money instead of working towards my ultimate goal of time. I gave up on chasing money while still pursuing my side businesses. I was putting energy into the wrong things. Instead of focusing on doing these things because I truly enjoyed them, I was putting energy out there for money. It was the change in perspective that gave me clarity and fulfillment. 

The Results

By shifting my mindset and pursuing these other ventures, I was forced to get my finances in line, turn my life around, learn how to build businesses and make mistakes along the way.  My true passion is helping people. Time and time again I’ve been told that I try to help people whether I just met them or have known them for years. Nonetheless, some people are off put by my nature. 

If you pursue things for the right reasons they will produce the cash flow you need to live life the way you want to live it. By putting time and energy into what you love you are “killing two birds with one stone” as they say. My time is now mine.

I will post a part 2 to this about the exact process I use to implement the “laws of attraction” and achieve anything I put my mind to here.